Chickie and I met up this morning in order to do some exploring on the nearby TUSCORORA INDIAN RESERVATION near Lewiston. Unfortunately, it is a very difficult place to explore because while roads on the map have names, there are no actual signs with the names of the roads.
We stopped at a SMOKIN' JOES ( I guess there are several SMOKIN' JOES locations, but I think this is the largest one.

There is a very nice museum inside, which consists of soapstone carvings. They are very elaborate, detailed and beautiful. There is a deli and you can buy various food items, as well as lots of indian products.
By the time we were finished in the store, it was close to lunch time. There was an interesting HOT DOG STAND between the store and the highway.
Each order of fries was HUGE....probably enough for three people. The burger (we each had the RODEO BURGER COMBO) was cooked on a grill (you could see the flames) and it was excellent. It was damp and drizzling so we ate our burgers and fries in Chickie's truck.

We stopped at the LEWISTON ANTIQUE MALL and looked around, but neither one of us bought anything. It is a large building with areas divided off for individual vendors. Some of the prices were very reasonable.

As we were leaving the antique place, Chickie asked if there were any geocaches we could look for. I checked my GPS and noticed that we were about two miles from OLD PINEY, a geocache hidden in a park behind the Sanborn Fire Department. I found it first, but then I backed off and Chickie found it.
When we got back to my house, I helped Chickie to log her three cache finds (two last Friday and one today), and showed her the page that lists all of her finds.
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