We met up and headed up Route 8 to find a geocache in a small cemetery. Carol found this one quickly enough and I took some pictures.

After that, we headed back to New Berlin, and I suggested to Carol that we explore an Amish area that I found not too long ago on a drive back home from Lockport. I quickly located it and the first place we passed was a Harness Shop.

We continued down the road and came to a sign for a furniture shop.

A little ways down the road, I was VERY surprised to see what looked like an Amish one room school. There were some children out in front, so I said to Carol, lets drive on a bit, and then come back and drive down the road with the school, so I can take a picture of the school. (the Amish do not like having their pictures taken and I did not want to cause any problems). However, when we returned, there were MORE children hanging out in front of the school. We drove down and past them, anyways, all the way to the end of the road where there is a closed bridge. On the way back, several Amish children (mostly boys) walked towards our car as we approached, as if they wanted us to stop so they could tell us something. I stopped the car and Carol spoke to the children, but they did not respond. It was quite strange.......but we figure they have been told NOT to speak to strangers. There were children of all ages and a woman standing on the front porch of the schoolhouse who appeared to be older, perhaps the teacher. We told the kids to have a good afternoon and drove off without taking any pictures SO I have to return someday and take a picture of that little schoolhouse! After that, we headed back towards New Berlin, making a brief stop at the WELCHES AUCTION HOUSE. We stayed about fifteen minutes. Then we went to New Berlin and stopped at Stewarts for ice cream. We both had the "make your own sundae" for $3.00.
Then we headed out towards Pittsfield to find a couple of GEOCACHING JEOPARDY geocaches. We were successful and then headed to Edmeston where we found a geocache in the Edmeston Steel Angel, and then to West Burlington where we found BURL BONES in the W. Burlington Cemetery. We kept driving and came to a small interesting winery: THE RUSTIC RIDGE WINERY:

headed back to New Berlin, where I dropped Carol off at her car and headed home.
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