It actually was Yvette's idea for her, Terry and myself to get together. We had a few dates set that were cancelled for one reason or other, but it looked like today was going to be the day. However, Yvette's daughter got sick and wanted her to accompany her to the doctor so she cancelled. Meanwhile, I had asked my friend Linda if she was interested in going with us. So, it ended up being Linda, Terry and
myself. We met at Walmart and headed out in my minivan.
We found Jefferson pretty easily and went to THE HEARTBREAK HOTEL for lunch.

This was the main reason for going to Jefferson and we were not disappointed. This very old hotel was closed for a few years but recently purchased and restored. Terry and I had burgers and Linda had a salad. I took a picture of the beautiful tin ceiling.
After lunch we backtracked to PANKIN'POON to meet up with Sue (I had found her phone number on the internet and she offered to show us the old schoolhouse. She was ready and waiting for us and took us across the road from her house and shop and let us in. The FULLER DISTRICT #1 SCHOOLHOUSE is a one room Jefferson schoolhouse which was moved to this location and restored.

It is fully restored and furnished down to the last detail! We thoroughly enjoyed seeing it and learning about it. On the same property, Sue showed us some remains of a very old mill. Not much is left, but they can be seen through a fence.
Sue then showed us the manmade pond and waterfalls on the rear of her property. It is absolutely beautiful. Then we went into Sue's little shop PANKIN' POON. It is delightful and her prices are great. Terry bought some Louis L'Amour books for her friend in the nursing home, I bought a small clear glass pedestal dish and some tiny figurines of some past presidents. Linda bought a ring for her niece.
After that we headed back into Jefferson (less than a mile) to explore. I stopped to snap a picture of a very old interesting looking building. A man was leaving the property and he told me the history of the place. A long time ago, their was a blacksmith shop in the rear of the building.
We decided to go to T and T's Country Kitchen and have desert. It is the neatest diner/gift shop combination. We all had strawberry rhubarb pie...only two dollars per slice! It was delicious.
We saw the Maple Museum, a historical building that is not really set up as a museum yet

and some old millstones in front of it.

Then we headed out of town the opposite way and located theParker 13 sided barn.

We saw a few other interesting buildings.
At last, we headed home with vows to return again someday. Jefferson is the neatest small town!
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