Our first stop was in Greene, New York

mainly to find a spot to eat the picnic lunch I supplied. We drove down Main Street a bit and saw a few places we would like to return to. Greene has a real old fashioned downtown, lots of places to eat and shop.
We got our directions mixed up a bit on the way and stopped near Marathon at a large convenience store. When I came out of the store after getting the directions, I noticed several Amish folk with buggies parked at the rear of the parking area.

I took a few pictures and Carol struck up a conversation with a young Amish man.
After getting a bit lost, we found the horse farm and met up with Teresa and her horse, Mystique. Mystique is a white Arabian. Teresa rode for first and Carol asked a lot of questions and then Carol rode for a bit.

I think Carol is VERY interested in purchasing Mystique and I hope it works out!
We stopped in the tiny hamlet of Virgil when I noticed an old fire station which has been given a second life as a museum:

While driving through Marathon, Carol noticed a very old building so we stopped. It appears to have been a hotel in a former life:

The route we took went right through Smithville Flats. Carol had said there is nothing there, but she was wrong! There is an old store, an old hotel and several other old interesting buildings. Even a schoolhouse, which we did not really see. It is a private residence now, and set way back in a lot full of trees. I think the highlight was going into the old Inn which is now an antique shop.
Back in Greene, we went in the Old 5 and 10

and I went to RiteAide and purchased a new memory card for my camera. The one I was using was not allowing me to add new pictures even though I kept deleting old ones.
We went through Oxford on the way to Norwich and stopped for a piece of pizza. We arrived back in South New Berlin about 5:30 and I got home at six p.m. It was a great day.
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