I really enjoyed seeing all the old books and other old items for sale but Terry (who likes only contemporary stuff) was disappointed. I met Ed Brodzinsky, a flickr friend who lives in Elk Creek, New York.

He had set up table #1, just inside the door to the fair. I purchased a card with one of his photos on it, under the condition that he let me take his picture. He agreed and I took the picture and here it is.
I asked Terry and Betty if they wanted to have lunch in Cooperstown or if they would rather go up to Springfield to a diner I saw a couple of years ago while exploring with Carol, which is close to an Amish settlement. They chose Springfield. On our way out of Cooperstown, I noticed that the library was having a book sale, so I stopped and while Terry looked at the books, Betty and I went to the three art galleries. This was on display upstairs in the 46th Annual Fine Arts Exhibition of the LEATHERSTOCKING BRUSH & PALETTE CLUB.

We drove up the east side of the lake to get to Springfield and the diner (K.C's Restaurant).

I was glad to see that it was still open. We were pleasantly surprised at how old fashioned and cute it is.

The prices are really good, and all three of us had pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn for the price of seven dollars. The owner of the diner (a man named Bruce) has an extensive collection of old meat grinders which are on display along with many other old items. I took a few pictures. This particular grinder is from Czechoslovakia and dates from the 1800's.

After lunch, it was time to explore the Amish area. Our waitress had given us some good tips for how to find places, plus I had the article from THE DAILY STAR a few months ago, which gave some location information for the Springfield Amish.
Our first stop was at an Amish farm that had tables set up in the front yard where they were selling jams and baked goods.

The pies were only six dollars! Terry purchased a strawberry/rhubarb pie. I purchased some oatmeal/raisin cookies. Then we went to BYLER'S BAKED GOODS.

This was a real treat, as they have a shop in the basement of their home, adjacent to the kitchen area where they do their baking and cooking. I purchased a loaf of bread and some bread and butter pickles.
After that we stopped at a very old cemetery (Middle Village Cemetery) and I took several pictures.

I had a gecocache with me as well as my GPS, but decided to wait and hide a geocache here another time. Then we located the Amish schoolhouse, here is a picture.

The yard is all overgrown as if it is no longer in use. I also stopped to take a picture of a New York historical sign for an old church on the same road as the cemetery. The church must be long gone, as we didn't see any signs of it, and we travelled the length of the road.
We went back to the restaurant so Betty could purchase a piece of coconut cream pie.
And then we headed back down the east side of Otsego Lake. We made one more stop at a yard sale in Milford. The sale was held in front of the building which used to be a gas station in the l940's. The owners offered lots of nice items at reasonable prices. I purchased an old bottle that I liked.
We arrived back at PRICE CHOPPER around 3:30 and it took several minutes to move Betty and Terry's purchases from my car to Terry's car.
We all three agreed that it was a great day! I hope I can go back to that Amish area soon! My full set of pictures for this day can be seen here: