Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Four out of Five Geocaches/Lockport ADVENTURE
It was a nice fairly warm fall day and I decided I NEEDED to get outside. Chicky is not feeling well, but Mary Ann was free and we met up at her house at ten a.m.
We headed out Beattie Avenue and turned on ____________ an a little ways down we found the old cemetery where we found KNOCK KNOCK. Then we headed to Day Road to look for SCOOTER DUDE. We looked for over a half hour, but no luck. Mary Ann suggested we take a break for lunch. We decided on TOM'S DINER, and used one of the coupons from my SAVE AROUND BUFFALO book. On the way out of the diner I saw this display of pumpkins decorated by school children.
Then we headed to the new paved trail along the canal and we found three new geocaches there: Black and Red All Over, Just for Kids and Caged.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Basket Raffle Saturday 10/24/15
Becky and I decided to spend the afternoon at three local events, each one having a BASKET RAFFLE! The VFW, Happy Days Daycare at the First Presbyterian Church and the First United Methodist CHurch.
Our first stop was at the VFW on Caledonia Street. Here are a couple of pictures. /div> On the way out I noticed this OLD FLAG DEPOSIT SPOT:
Then we went to the First Presbyterian Church for their basket raffle and turkey dinner. We ran into Marie and Mary Jo and sat with them.
Then we went to the Methodist Church on Main Street. We were disappointed to find out that it was a Silent Auction, not a regular Chinese type auction. It was rather chaotic and those working it did not seem to know how things were going to be done. Becky and I managed to bid on some items. She won two and I did not win any.
So we headed back to the Presbyterian Church, and this time I purchased tickets. Becky won two items and I won a clothes basket with a set of twin sheets, pillow cases and a thermal blanket.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Day Out With Carol: 10/22/15 (north)
On Carol's second and last full day in Lockport, we headed north. First to MURPHY ORCHARDS, where you can see and hear a story about the Underground Railroad. This passageway was used as part of the Underground Railroad:
Alexandra Murphy, who inherited the farm from her mother talked with us about the Underground Railroad and set up a video her mother made.
From there we continued north to Olcott Beach and I showed Carol around. While there, I found a nano geocache that I had looked for twice before. Carol found the one in the big tree in the memorial garden.
Then we headed towards Golden Hill State Park. which seemed to be closed but there were some workmen doing landscaping. We saw the lighthouse and I took a couple of pictures. I really like this one:
As we left the park, we decided it was time for lunch and a bathroom break, so we headed to the Village of Barker. We had lunch at THEE BARKER STORE We split a ham melt sandwich and then Carol purchased a kind of large Hershey Bar that we split. I decided to take the opportunity to drive around Barker a bit. We chuckled a bit at the house of the first PRESIDENT of Barker, but were impressed with the very tall apple tree there. Then I headed towards the stone schoolhouse at the corner of Carmen and Seamen Roads, but we stopped at a very interesting farmstand just before that. Nobody working there, lots of vegetables rotting and a lot of good stuff without prices. We each got a few items and left cash in the box. And then to the schoolhouse:
and then we explored the Amish area a bit, by heading east on Mill Road. We found the school : and met a man with the last name Shumacher, who lives right across the road from it. He also does maple syrup and is lighthouse keeper at the 20 Mile Point Lighthouse. .
Then we found MILLERS GENERAL STORE, but did not make any purchases and then to MILLER'S BULK FOOD on 104. I purchased several items and Carol purchased ham and liverwurst. And then we headed back to Lockport,
Reids ice cream place was closed, no frozen custard so no frozen custard for us today. We had planned burger melt sandwiches for supper, but we changed our minds and I prepared
liverwurst sandwiches, baked potatoes and roasted cauliflower (all from the buik food store) for supper.
It was a great day!!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
OUT and ABOUT with Carol: October 21 2015 (south)
Carol Kraft arrived yesterday afternoon for a few days visit. I prepared a turkey dinner with all the trimming for supper. We had a quiet evening at home.
Early today we headed out for a DAY OUT. On the way out to Clarence, we stopped at Home Depot so Carol could check out the microwaves. Then we continued on to Clarence to go to PAULA'S DONUTS. We each purchased a donut to take with us. We drove west on Route 5 and stopped at a nursery/farm market. I purchased two butternut squash and a gourd. Carol had mentioned that her New York State map was old and worn out, so we stopped at AAA and I got several maps.
Near Eastview Mall, we stopped at BIG LOTS to look at the microwaves, and then we went to OLIVE GARDEN for lunch. It took us a long time to figure out what to order. We really enjoyed our meal.
Then we headed back towards Lockport. I showed Carol the two places I lived on EVANS STREET when I was a child, Mikes house, Emmet Belknap School, etc. We stopped at the BIG BRIDGE and then went into the antique store nearby, and then to the other antique store next to the Palace Theatre. We went to Molinaro's Bakery and Carol purchased some italian cookies.
Then I drove down Walnut Street and we looked at the mansions. I then remembered that we could go into one of them: THE KENAN HOUSE. Presently, they have this:
and here is Carol standing at a piano in one of the downstairs rooms.
I showed Carol the old UNION STATION and our last stop was at LAKE EFFECT ICE CREAM. We were the only customers so we took our time sampling the flavors
We settled on PEANUT BUTTER EPIPHANY to take home.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Thursday October 15, 2015
This morning Gail and I met up in order to go to the Fall Bazaar at the Presbyterian Home. It was very small, I purchased six baskets (they were three for $12 but I ha a 25 percent off coupon. Then we took three of them to Peggy at Faith Tab. and Peggy gave Gail her birthday gift.
Then Gail and I went to the Market Street Art Center for the Joe Whalen exhibit. I had Mr. Whalen for art in the ninth grade. 
Then we went out to lunch at TOM'S DINER, which I think is Gail's favorite restaurant. It was a nice morning.
The Annual Lockport Care Not Center Banquet was tonight at Salvatore's Italian Garden.
I invited my friends Elaine and Mary Ann. Elaine picked me up and then we went to get Mary Ann. Because of new construction (Salvatore's must be expanding) we had a bit of a rough time finding the parking lot.
The meal was delicious! I bid on a few of the silent auction items, but could not keep up with the other bidders. Pastor Wayne Dent:
The speaker (Amy Ford) was very good.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Letchworth State Park ADVENTURE
Mary Ann, Pam and I met up at Faith Tabernacle Church this morning and headed off towards Letchworth State Park in my new Subaru. It took us close to two hours to get there.
We entered at the Mt. Morris entrance. We got in free due to being senior citizens. Our first stop was at the dam overlook. and then we started driving on Park Road. After the first couple of overlooks, it started to rain. We decided to do some inside things while it rained, hoping it would stop. We first went to the museum. then we crossed the road to view the falls and this bridge, and then we went into the GLEN IRIS to the gift shop. I purchased a few postcards.
While at the Glen Iris, I asked a worker where we might find a shelter in which to have lunch and she gave me directions, just down the road. We found a very nice shelter and spread out our bounty, sodapop, chicken salad for sandwiches, chips, fruit and Pam's homemade chocolate chip cookies. By the time we were finished eating, the rain had stopped and we set back out to explore.
Next we found the log cabin built by Mary Jemison...I think it is a replica. Her statue: and another log cabin and then we found the District 2 Schoolhouse: and the Pioneer Cemetery.
Then we headed back towards the Mt. Morris entrance, taking our time to stop at several overlooks. We briefly looked for a geocache at Humphreys Overlook, but my GPS kept on changing direction and was not much help. Here is one view of the gorge. We also stopped at the Visitors Center, which did not offer much besides clean restrooms.
After about five hours, we left the park and headed back to Lockport. We took somewhat of a different route and arrived back at Faith Tabernacle around 5:45 p.m. After dividing up the lunch stuff we each headed home. I stopped at Lake Effect Ice Cream to try their new flavor something like HE SCORES.....S'MORES before arriving home. Very tired!!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Basket Raffle and Real Auction ADVENTURE
I called my cousin Becky the other day and asked her if she wanted to get together on Saturday. She said she had plans to go to the basket raffle event at Concordia Lutheran Church in Newfane and that the event would start at eleven a.m., with the drawing at one p.m. I then told her about the free lasagna dinner at the my friend Lynnettes church with an auction to follow. We agreed to go to both events, taking a break in the middle.
I met up with Becky at Concordia Lutheran Church. We had lunch and purchased tickets for the basket raffle (its basically a Chinese Auction. Becky won two items, but I was not as lucky. 

Later on we met up at the Warrens Corners Church (I think its Lutheran) for a lasagna dinner and auction. The dinner was very good. The pastor of the church was the auctioneer. I saw two items I liked, but the bidding went up too high right away so I did not bid. Becky bid on several things and had purchased two items when I left.
Friday, October 2, 2015
OLD FORT NIAGARA Adventure 10/2/15
My friend Betty was on vacation from her job this week. She had mentioned a while back that she wanted to go to OLD FORT NIAGARA. We waited for a warm day this week, but it never came. So we bit the bullet today and headed out towards Youngstown.
Although it was cold and windy, we thoroughly enjoyed the fort. Much of it was inside, and one spot had a nice wood fire going. There were many demonstrations: 

this is the French Castle
By the time we had seen everything, it was lunch time. We were on our way to the car when we noticed the lighthouse near the parking area. We asked and found out it was open and we went inside. There is a spiral staircase to the top, and Betty and I started out, but quit about halfway.
We then headed to the Village of Youngstown to find a place for lunch.
We both had fish and enjoyed it. My complete set of pictures can be seen here. https://www.flickr.com/photos/juneny/sets/72157657064833513
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