The PLATTEPALOOZA near Roxbury, New York. Leslie wanted to avoid going to Stamford on the way to Roxbury, so we tried some back roads. Unfortunately, the Delaware County Map was not exact, and a bridge or two were closed down, and the back route did not work. We finally had to go to Stamford to find our way to where we were going.
Our first stop was at WOODCHUCK LODGE near Roxbury. It was the vacation home of naturalist John Burroughs and his retirement home. The inside has been kept in the same condition as it was when he died. It is indeed rustic and interesting.
Then it was off to Plattekill Mountain for the Plattepalooza. The flier up above pretty much tells about it. The reason we went was for geocaching. However, after eating a burger there, I began to feel ill and told Leslie that I could not make it up the mountain. We located one geocache outside the lodge and then headed towards Oneonta.
We stopped at a small, old cemetery we saw along the way and I took a few pictures.

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