Linda and I met up on Route 23 at her mechanics shop this morning and headed out towards East Durham, New York. The purpose of this day trip was to view the fall color, which has peaked. We headed out Route 23 and went through Stamford, Grand Gorge and Prattsville. We stopped near Ashland so I could show St. Joseph's Chapel to Linda. She loved it, and when she tried the door, it was unlocked and we went inside. Here are pics:

While there, a beautiful young buck meandered into the cemetery and we took a few pictures. None of mine turned out all that good.

We continued on our way to East Durham, stopping a few times to take pictures of the gorgeous fall color. Once in East Durham, we located the Lady of Knock Shrine. Linda was disappointed that it was not open. We had lunch at the CLOVER CAFE (very good) and then went to Lawyers Store. Then we went to the Durham Center Museum, which was fantastic. It includes a research library and an old schoolhouse. The curators were very friendly and interesting. The curators were very friendly and very helpful. I didn't catch their names. They are a husband and wife team. Mr. Curator agreed to have his picture taken:
We drove back to East Durham to find a bathroom and to find the remains of the Irish Cultural Center. A brick map of Ireland with counties separated remains as well as the one house that was dismantled in Ireland and brought here (I think in l989). Unfortunately, the cultural center has been moved to Albany. Here is the house:

Apparently, it is furnished with typical Irish furniture, etc. but it was kind of a long walk up to it, and we were running out of time, so I didn't peek in the windows.
We started to head home. Unfortunately, some of the county roads which were on the tourism map were not marked, so we missed a turn and had to rely to using my GPS. Our last stop was in Grand Gorge to have ice cream. It was a great and very colorful day!!!
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