When we arrived we registered and were given these tags:

One of the special speakers was Alex Kendrick, writer, producer and lead actor in the recently released film COURAGEOUS. He was very good! The other guest speaker, Congressman J.C. Watts, Jr. from Oklahoma was not able to make it due to fog preventing his flight from taking off in Connecticut. Some of the other speakers were:
Peggy had set up an appointment with her Assemblywoman Jane Corwin

Sounds of Praise offered some musical entertainment. They were very good!

Participants were on their own for lunch. Just prior to lunch they announced that DURING lunch there would be a Q and A session. Since we wanted to be there for that, Peggy and I decided to pick up a quick lunch at McDonalds instead of choosing something else that would probably take longer. The question and answer session was pretty good.
There was a "straw poll" conducted of the four Republican presidential hopefuls. Santorum won by a landslide. The results were announced just prior to the closing prayer.
After the event was over (2:00 p.m.) Peggy asked me if I wanted to walk over and see the Capital Building. It had been several years since I was there, so I said yes. I think the last time I was there was in l983. I know it was before Christa was born in l985.
We viewed the Assembly Chamber

The corned beef and cabbage dinner was delicious. I made a gravy out of the abundant liquid. Peggy and I worked a bit on our fall trip plans. I think I was asleep by 9:30 p.m. It was a looooooooooong but good day.
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