Yesterday (Saturday: May 29, 2010), Dad, Peggy and I set out midmorning to go to Gilbertsville for a couple of hours. I thought they might like the "old time" feel to the town and the old stores.
First we stopped so I could check on a geocache in a cemetery just outside of Gilbertsville. Peggy found it, and then we cleaned it out really good and replaced it in its spot. We saw a really neat pink headstone that looks like it was made out of quartz. Picture up above. After that PeggyN found my geocache in the really old cemetery just down the road. This cemetery has gravesites of men who fought in the Revolutionary War. I think Dad, being a veteran himself, really liked this old cemetery. He said it was the first time he had seen a gravesite for someone who fought in the Revolutionary War.
Then we went to Gilbertsville so Peggy could find my geocache OVERLOOK PARK. She found it quickly and I took a bunch of pictures. We went to the general store, the QUILT SHOP and to the Hardware Store. Dad bought a book at The Quilt Shop and a few items at the hardware store. I have noticed that Dad does not like having his picture taken unless it is at a place he really likes. He readily agreed to go back inside the hardware store and walk out so that I could take his picture in the doorway. That is the picture up above. He said he really thinks the hardware store has the original fixtures, etc. Being 85 years old, he has memories of what things looked like in what we sometimes refer to as "the old days".
While Dad and Peggy were in the hardware store I took a bunch more pictures of Gilbertsville to add to my Gilbertsville set on flicker. Of particular interest to Peg and me was the Hoosier cabinet that the owner of the Quilt Shop has in the back of her store. A picture is up above.
By this time, Dad was getting hungry and he suggested we find a restaurant. I had tons of food at home, so I suggested we head for my place. We stopped at the corner of Route 51 and Dimock Hollow Road so Peggy could find my Dimock "Hollow" geocache. I took some pictures of the falls and the views from the trail for flickr. We also walked across the street so Peggy could get a glimpse of All Saints Chapel. There was a wedding going on inside, so we did not walk up to it or go inside.
We had lunch at my house and Dad decided to take a nap. Peggy and I headed out for an afternoon of geocaching. First stop in Davenport Center, New York where we looked for a geocache in the Davenport Cemetery. We did not have any luck finding it, but the old cemetery sure is an interesting place. Flags had been placed on the
graves of men who gave their lives in past wars. Second stop was at Interskate 88 so we could look for SUSQHEHANNA VIEW geocache, one which I had looked for several times in the past. Peggy found it, and I was happy to scratch that off of my DID NOT FIND LIST.
Then on to Colliersville, were we found the geocache COLLIER'S DAM, and we attempted to find the one hidden at Bear Pond Winery. There was a musical event going on plus many people doing a wine tasting inside the gift shop as well as buying food from the outdoor cafe. We were really unable to look for the cache much because of so many people around, so we did not find it.
Back in Oneonta, we found Luckless's geocache hidden in the old cemetery which has a
monument saying SOLDIERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION and fresh flags.
Then we stopped by the bookstore on Chestnut Street to see if Peg had any ideas about the geocache hidden in IT WAS A DUCK AND STORMY NIGHT. We spent a few minutes without any success and then headed home.
It was a great day! The set of pictures I took for the entire day can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/juneny/sets/72157624172193162/