Today was the geo-event BREAKFAST, CACHE AND A PHOTO (or twelve?) which softball set up. It was held at the cafe at the Holiday Inn.
It was a great event, with a lot of good food and a lot of interaction between local and not so local geocachers. I think the highlight of the event was the little game set up by TEAM DUCKY. They drew small pics representing geocachers who attended (or said they would attend) and each person had the opportunity to see if they could identify all of them. Team-Frog won and they got to keep the duck. Here is a picture of it:

After the event, Leslie and I decided to go geocaching. We chose THE BEEHIVE, which is on state land in Milford. We decided to meet at the convenience store in Laurens. On the way there, I remembered that the backroads we were going to need to go on might be better traversed with my SUBARU FORRESTER than with my minivan. So I drove home and switched vehicles. By time I got to the convenience store, Leslie had left and headed back to Oneonta. When she passed a minivan like mine, she decided to drive back to the convenience store where she found me with my Subaru. So we headed to Milford.
We quickly found the area and then headed out into the woods. Leslie went first (the youngest should always go first), and as she stepped over the snowbank along the side of the road, she stepped into some very soft, very deep snow and went down to her hips, almost to her waist. She is a good sport, and laughed and suggested I take her picture and then extricated herself.

When I realized how deep the snow was, I thought we might have difficulty finding the geocache and I was right. But we plowed forward and got as close to the coordinates as we could. I stepped into some very deep snow at one point, and had a bit of a struggle getting out. We gave up after a while and headed back to my car. It was exhilarating to be outside in the cool fresh air, and I was not discouraged by our failure to find the geocache. We can return when the snow has melted.
By this time it was around one p.m. and I was hungry. We headed back to Laurens thinking we could get a piece of pizza at the convenience store or at the pizzeria in Laurens. But then just as I was going to turn onto 205 I noticed Gino's Grill and Tavern. It definitely had the look of a bar,

but Leslie said that since there weren't any bikes parked outside (I think she meant motorcycles) she thought it might be worth a try. The atmosphere was not anything to write home about, but the prices seemed reasonable and we got to sit in an empty area at the end which had a fireplace.
My burger and fries and bottled water only came to seven dollars. Leslie had a fish sandwich, but I don't think she was thrilled with it. When I said to her "next time we will get the chicken wings". She said "next time?". She has never had chicken wings! So, I hope she shares a batch with me sometime soon!
It was a great day!
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