I knew Leslie's birthday was coming up, so I emailed her last week and asked her if she would like to do some geocaching together in order to celebrate her brithday. We agreed on Monday, July 14th (today) even though her birthday was actually the 13th. I was busy with the golf tournament on the 13th.
We met up at her house at 9:30. We went first to find GET SWART: a very easy geocache to find, located at the Swart House off of River Street in Oneonta. I really need to take pictures of this house, but today it was sprinkling, so I will wait until a nicer day.
After that, over to WalMart where we quickly found the new and improved edition of ALWAYS ONEONA.
Then we began to look for Ducky Dead End Four. We were unsuccessful, but basically I think we just need to approach this one from the opposite side of the river.
We went on out to Davenport Center and quickly found DAVENPOT CENTER CACHE, one that Peggy an I had unsuccessfully looked for over Memorial Day weekend. This time I found it rather quickly, it was not in the area that Peggy and I searched in before. Oh well.........
Then we went to Colliersville to try again for BRIDGE OVER DUCKY WATERS. Once again success eluded us. I think we need an extra hint from the owners. I suggested to Leslie that we might need to go to a website that has pictures of alternative cache containers............and maybe we will see a picture of what we should be looking for.
It was just about noon, but I suggested we might look for one more geocache: DUCKY DEAD END 3. It was hidden in among some huge rugged rocks under a bridge down by a fishing access area.
Leslie was brave enough to go where I would NOT go........and she found it. There were some interesting handmake metal sculptures right near the geocache site. A picture is up above.
By then we were hungry and decided to try the new POLAR SCOOPS on Main Street, Oneonta. They just opened a few days ago. Both Leslie and I were disappointed. They overcharged Leslie for her milkshake. Leslie was finished with her pizza and shake long before my pepperoni roll was prepared. I brought it home and it was not very good. I am not sure I encountered even one piece of pepperoni.
It was a great morning of geocaching! We found four out of six that we looked for.
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