Thursday, February 28, 2013
Mini-Solo Adventure
I decided to check out the village or hamlet of Sidney Center. I had been there before to geocache, but my camera was acting up that day and I had been unable to get pictures of the old train depot.................I found the depot easily today. I stopped at the post office to mail a package, and I also went into a store called THE STORE. Seems like it is mostly a sub shop now, with a few grocery items. On the way back to Sidney, I followed a sign that said YOUNGS, which turned out to be a tiny berg or hamlet.
By this time I was getting hungry, but as I drove down Main Street I didn't see any place that appealed to me. I took Route 7 back to Oneonta, and stopped at the PARKVIEW DELI before I got to Unadilla. I had a burger and a Snapple. As I was leaving, I noticed an interesting small building next door to the deli so I decided to check it out. Thats it at the top. It seems to be a small workshop in which someone does some artistic work in metal. I noticed the ghost sign for DUKES DINER propped up just inside the doorway on the right hand side.
I stopped at the Variety Store in Unadilla to get some dish liquid and then I headed for home. I still haven't heard from Joyce, I hope everything is OK.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Round Barn, a photo by JuneNY on Flickr.
Once there, H.L. looked through the three boxes of books I took in and bought a few. Penny found three or four books by her favorite authors that she purchased. H.L. drew us a map of how to get to the BIBOLIBARN in Margaretville, where his wife, Linda, is working today.
We headed towards Margaretville. Along the way, still on Roses Brook Road, I spotted this former church and stopped to take a couple of pictures.

Penny and I talked about literature all the way home, most likely Linda was bored to tears. Penny thinks that my favorites TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, THE GRAPES OF WRATH, OF MICE AND MEN are very dark........the kind of book she only reads once!
Friday, February 22, 2013
PARK and GRAB Adventure
The first one was Kiltlifter Scotts INFINITY CACHE. Our GPS's were not working well in this parking lot so we had to lift a few skirts before getting the one right. Then at the other end of the same mall we found
TAP THE SAP, another quick and easy micro. Then we drove up Swart Hollow Road so I could find
ONEONTA: CITY OF THE HILLS. Another quick and easy one. Then we headed to the other side of
Oneonta to look for DOWNIE ON THE FARM. We were not successful with this one. I suspect that we did not dig deep enough into the snow at the bottom of the posts holding the guard rail up. And then we
headed to Munsons and parked and found TO GRANDMOTHERS HOUSE.
We then had lunch at PONDO'S 2. We ordered a fourteen inch supreme pizza, which was VERY good.
After that we drove to the Cooperstown Junction area to look for one that we could not get to on New Years Eve Day. When we got there, we realized that neither one of us had the coords, and we couldn't
even remember the name of it, but we remembered where the coords were and found it quick enough.
PULL OFF IN THE WOODS was the name of it.
After a quick stop at PRICE CHOPPER so I could use the restroom and pick up a flier, Leslie dropped me
off back at KOST.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
February 7, 2013 outing
Thinking that I will be cooped up for a couple of days due to an incoming story, I decided I really needed to get OUT today. I called my friend Judy and suggested that I bring lunch out to her in Westford, and she agreed.
I picked up an Italian BMT, twelve inch at Subway and then picked up chocolate shakes and chocolate turnovers at Arby's, and arrived at her house just in time for lunch.
Everything was great and we thoroughly enjoyed out meal together. We sat and talked for over an hour and then I headed home.
I had brought my camera and I was itching to stop and take a picture or two but I felt sure I would not see anything picture worthy. However, I drove by a business called THE AMISH BARN COMPANY, and decided that I should finally check it out.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that it is a HUGE gift shop, with lots of antique and vintage items. I asked about a couple of items I am looking for (a china rooster and some Fenton hobnail salt dips, but they did not either item.
I took a few pictures and then did a few errands in Oneonta.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Return to the Bibliobarn
I packed up several boxes of books to take to the BIBLIOBARN in South Kortright. I called my friend, Linda, and asked her if she wanted to go along for the ride and she said yes.
We met up at the Diner in Davenport and headed out to S. Kortright, arriving at the BIBLIOBARN aroundd 10:20 a.m.
While H.L. and Linda went through my books, Linda and I wandered around and looked at books. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!
H. L. commented that the pictures I took when I was there before were very good. I had forgotten that I showed him them, via email.
I dropped Linda off at her car at the diner and headed into Oneonta to do several errands. I stopped at the LUNCHBOX DELI for lunch and had a great fish fry.