I drove to Lockport on Friday the 15th. I looked for a couple of geocaches near Waterville, without any success. I arrived around four p.m. to find myself locked out of my sisters house, even though she had given me a key a while back. Apparently, it was not the right key!
That evening, my brother had a cookout at his place. We surprised Peggy with a mini-FIFTIETH birthday re-do, since we kinda skipped over her actual fiftieth birthday last August 27th, because we were so caught up with our Dad's medical issues. Janie had picked up a cake and she got ice cream and candles, etc. and it was truly a surprise for Peggy which was great!
Mike, Janie, her three kids, Jen and her boyfriend, Peggy and I were there for the festivities.
That evening, my brother had a cookout at his place. We surprised Peggy with a mini-FIFTIETH birthday re-do, since we kinda skipped over her actual fiftieth birthday last August 27th, because we were so caught up with our Dad's medical issues. Janie had picked up a cake and she got ice cream and candles, etc. and it was truly a surprise for Peggy which was great!

After that, Peggy and I went to the park of East Avenue where there are monuments to men who fought in the various wars. My brother recently had these two bricks placed there, for our father and grandfather:
Saturday morning and well into the afternoon, Peggy and I worked on cleaning the rear portion of our Dad's family room. We boxed lots of stuff up, some for me to bring back to Oneonta to donate to FSA, and some for other purposes.
Late Saturday afternoon we went to the local RELAY FOR LIFE where we met up with our other sister, Gail. We arrived in time for the opening ceremonies After that, we each purchased a bunch of chinese auction tickets and placed them, purchased luminaria and decorated them, had pulled pork and salt potatoes for supper, walked around and looked at the displays and met up with our cousin Becky for a few minutes. Then Peggy and I went back to her house for a little while, but we returned at ten p.m. for the LUMINARIA CEREMONY. It was absolutely beautiful. Here are the front of the three that Gail, Peggy and I made:
Sunday morning we went to church. Peggy won some free meals at a huge buffet restaurant, so we went there for lunch, and then back to 17 where I took a nap, and then we worked for about an hour on sorting
through Dad's kitchen items. We only made a dent in that.
We decided to go out for some geocaching, and we each found three and had a good time, ending up at
Reids for banana milkshakes! It was a great day.
I headed home this morning. While looking for a geocache (unsuccessfully) in Seneca Falls, I saw a sign for SAUDERS STORE and I followed the area to a very large, and very nice Mennonite store.
It is well stocked with all sorts of Mennonite products and run by the Mennonites. I bought a sub for my lunch and a couple more items.

I explored the Village of Munnsville a bit before I got back onto Route 20 and headed for home, arriving around four p.m. It was a wonderful weekend!!!
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