Peggy mentioned a store in East Aurora that she took some senior citizens to once. I decided to take advantage of this beautiful fall day to check it out. I called my friend, Barbara, and she was free and I picked her up, and using a mapquest that Peggy made for me, we set out. Unfortunately, at some point after turning onto 400 off of the Transit, we made a wrong turn and ended up in Buffalo, and it was not really a good neighborhood. Unfortunately, I didn't have my navigator with me, but we were able to find our way back to 400 and from there we followed the signs to East Aurora.
VIDLER'S was everything Peggy said it would be and more.

Its a true old fashioned five and dime. Barb and I saw items that we had not seen or thought of in years.

I only purchased a postcard, a nail file and two tiny pumpkins. We walked up Main Street a bit before heading back to Lockport. East Aurora has a theatre that reminds me of THE PALACE THEATRE in Lockport:

I hope to return to East Aurora someday and explore it more.
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