Then we headed towards Hartwick to look for some of Irish Tala's geocaches. The first one we found was CROAKER CABIN, which involved trekking in the woods through some very wet spots. But, we were successful. Then we went right across the road so that Leslie could find my geocache HARTWICK FOREST TREASURE. I also found the "other" geocache I originally placed, but someone moved to across the trail. Now there is only one geocache there. Then we found CONTRARY MARY, another of IrishTala's hides. This is actually the only one that I found today, Leslie found the other four. This empty school sits just down the street from that cache site.

Then we headed into Hartwick to get a bite to eat at the convenience store. We each had a slice of pizza, which we ate in my car and then we headed out to find some caches hidden by Irish Tala right in the Village of Hartwick. We found one at the cemetery and one at the Cooperstown Bat Company.

Then we walked down the street to see if the Historical Society was open. It was and we went in and looked around.
It is right behind (and attached to) the small public library.

There we met Orrin Higgins who told us about the South Hartwick schoolhouse. Also, I signed up to be notified if the Historical Society does another "trolley tour".
Then we headed out of Hartwick to find a couple of more geocaches. We did not find the first one CRUSOE'S RITE OF PASSAGE. We did find the next one SOUTH HARTWICK GOT SCROOGE. Then we went to look for the South Hartwick Schoolhouse which Orrin Higgins told us about. We were successful in finding it. Here are some pictures.

And here is a picture of my new (used) Chrysler Pacifica near the old schoolhouse.

You can see Leslie's red hat!
After that we decided to head home. We took some backroads that Leslie mapped out, they took us right through Gilbert Lake State Park. Altogether, I found five geocaches and Leslie found seven. It was a great way to spend Halloween day!!