A couple of weeks ago, Elaine mentioned this event to me and suggested that we try to break out of our usual mold and try a few new things. So, I agreed even though the price of $24 dollars for an event of this type seems a bit high to me...............but I decided to give it a try.
Elaine picked me up, and then picked Nancy up and we headed to Gasport. We arrived a bit early an were assigned table #1, just for the three of us. We checked out the baskets

When I saw that leather bag, I decided to buy a sheet of tickets for ten dollars, hoping I might win it, but even though I put almost all of my tickets into the bag for that item, I did not win. Elaine won a basket full of bird feeding supplies:
The tea consisted of five courses. One course was small sandwiches and another was fresh fruit. Here are pictures of two of the courses:
below is the last course (deserts).
We boxed these items up to take home.
We were served three different teas, and we all favored the PINA COLADA.
We had harp music! It was lovely:
We got a charge out of the pastor singing I'M A LITTLE TEAPOT
complete with with the hand motions.
It was a fun, relaxing event, but Elaine, Nancy and I pretty much decided that we will probably not go again because of the cost. (even though the proceeds go to missions).