Leslie picked me up at 10:25, and we used my Garmin Nuvi to take us to the parking coordinates. It was eleven a.m. when we arrived and I suggested to Leslie that we have part of our lunch and a drink before heading out on the trails. So, we took our food and drink down to the lake. Unfortunately, after that we both needed to use the restroom, which was a real HORROR story, but we survived..........possibly that was the most difficult part of the day!
Then we headed out towards the six geocaches that we did not find in June. As usual Leslie found most of the geocaches before I even got to the right area. But, she then let me find them. I just do not have as good "an eye" for them as she has.........possibly because she has trained her eyes by birdwatching (well, thats my story and I am sticking to it!). I couldn't resist taking a LOT of pictures!
We completed the geocaches and put together the clues we had found in some of them. The clues were necessary for the BONUS cache. After we got the coords for the bonus, we headed in the direction our GPS's were pointing us, but that turned out to be a BUST. The fishermens path we followed kept getting narrower and more overgrown and we gave up. On the last stretch of our walk/hike I took a few pictures of wildflowers. I particularly like this one, with the pond in the background.

To console ourselves for not finding the bonus cache, we went back to the picnic area and shared a piece of Connecticut Chocolate Cake!!! YUMM-O!!!!
I thought maybe if we headed down the road in the car, we might find a path to take us to the BONUS cache, and we tried that (driving the opposite direction from which we approached the parking area) and it worked! We parked and were able to find the final cache in the series. It was HUGE! I took this picture of an old stone wall or maybe it was a foundation, in the area of the geocache.

It was truly exhilarating to complete this series!
We headed back to my house, tired but happy! It was a great day!
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