We really wanted to see the play JOSEPH at the SIGHT AND SOUND MILLENIUM THEATRE, so while I was in Lockport for the month of October, on the spur of the moment, we planned a very short trip to Lancaster County October 7th, 8th and 9th.
Friday morning the 7th, we visited Dad at Briody's and then headed south. We pretty much drove straight there, barely stopping to eat the picnic lunch I had packed. I think we arrived at our lodging (Motel 6 in Gordonville) around four p.m.

We took our stuff in and headed out.
Our first stop was at a small farmstand. A young Amish boy was running it. He was so cute. When he found out that Peggy and I are from close to Niagara Falls, he had a million questions. I finally offered to send him a picture of the falls. Then we headed to Intercourse, PA. Once there, we did some geocaching (not all successful) and located the new STOLTSFUS MEATS store, which had moved. We found the INTERCOURSE CANNING COMPANY closed. As it was getting dark, we started to look for a place to eat and found THE BIRD IN HAND FAMILY RESTAURANT. This place is very good! This is a photo of my FIRST plate of food.

The next morning, we headed out early for Intercourse, PA. We parked near KITCHEN KETTLE, but I was not interested in those shops, so Peg and I split up and agreed to meet in a half hour. I decided to use my time to go to two small museums:

Then we headed to Leola, via back roads. On the way we saw a sign CRAFTS SOLD HERE, so we drove down the long driveway and located the small shop of an Amish man. He mades things out of wood and has them for sale. Peggy and I both purchased a small item or two, and he gave us permission to take pictures of his farm. Here are a couple:

inside the barn
and then we headed towards LEOLA. LEOLA is the real reason I go to PA Dutch Country. There is this wonderful farmstand right across the road from the HAYLOFT CANDLE SHOP. Once again I purchased two cases of relishes and a few other items. This year they had something new, they were barbequing chicken and selling chicken dinners in front of the farmstand. Peggy and I decided to buy some chicken and have lunch there.

It was really good. The goats were cute, too!

After lunch we headed back to our lodging so we could freshen up for the play, which
was at 4:15. On the way we stopped at another Amish farmstand

and I bought a few items.
Back at our hotel, we freshened up and headed to the theatre. We allowed some extra time on the way there to do some geocaching, and we found two out of the three we looked for. At both of those sites we met up with other geocachers. This particular site is at Hershey Farms, right next door to the theatre:

AMOS used to be in front of Zinn's Diner. I guess the diner closed and he was moved to Hershey Farms.
The play JOSEPH

After the play it was time to decide where to have supper. I suggested MILLERS SEVEN SWEETS AND SEVEN SOURS, and we headed there, but when we got there, we were told it would be something line an hour and a half wait. NO WAY. I called HERSHEY FARMS (which was back at the location of the theatre) and was told that if we arrived before eight p.m. we could be seated. We arrived in time and were given a table within a few minutes. However, we were a bit disappointed. We had eaten there before, but they had changed things, the atmosphere was not nearly as homey. And the price was ridiculously high. But the food was good.
The next morning we decided to do a bit of geocaching in Strasburg before heading north towards New York. We were successful in finding some Strasburg geocaches and we also found a neat old cemetery

Altogether we found eleven geocaches in Pennsylvania Dutch Country which is pretty darn good considering we were so busy doing other things during our brief time there.
On the way back to NY, we stopped at a lookout point and I took this picture which shows some PENNSYLVANIA COLOR.

We had an uneventful drive back to Lockport. We stopped for a picnic lunch at a park someplace in Pennsylvania.
Back in New York, as we got close to Lockport, I noticed that we would pass an interesting site I noticed while geocaching a couple of months ago. I pointed it out to Peggy and she was off and running. This site is in Corfu or Darien Lake and apparently someone started to build a miniature golf business but never completed it. Peggy was just about to open the back door of the "castle" when she noticed somoene inside. Apparently, the first floor of the castle is rented out. The young woman was very friendly and not at all put out by our "urban explorations". Here are a few pictures:

It was a short, exhausting trip, but we had a lot of fun. Best of all, I have enough
Amish relishes to last me at least a year! The rest of my pictures of this great weekend can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/juneny/sets/72157628074010964/with/6292546370/
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