We met up around ten a.m. and headed to Stamford where I dropped her off. I love the Village of Stamford and I had lots of ideas for things to do while she was with her mother. So, I dropped her off and headed into town.
First I went to the CYR CENTER, which is in the former REXMERE HOTEL. They have an art gallery on the first floor, with changing exhibits. The name of the gallery is MURAL. The exhibit they had today was very nice. This is the painting I liked best:

I like the gallery, but mostly I just like the idea of going into the old hotel. You can see some of the original items from years ago, such as the stained glass over the doorways, the huge lions by the back door, etc. Also, they have some artifacts from the REXMERE days in glass cases, and a visual history of the REXMERE.
I decided to visit the OLD STAMFORD CEMETERY across the road from the Rexmere. You have to walk down a path in the woods to get to it. I had been in the cemetery a few years ago to geocache, and wanted to see it again. I didn't walk into the cemetery because the thick ground cover was very wet. I stayed on the path and took a few pictures, here is one:
I located the area of the geocache. I was amazed to find a beautiful hiking trail right in the middle of town. I found the geocache easily enough. Along the portion of the trail I walked, there are portions of an old stone wall:
It was so strange to be hiking in the middle of the town. From the trail you can see houses and back yards.
I looked for the Chamber of Commerce Information Booth that I read about online, but I could not find it an I could not find Gabriella's Restaurant which is in the same area.
I parked in front of the old hotel (THE WESTHOLME) just up the street from the Chinese Restaurant and attempted to call the realtor hoping that maybe I could go inside, but there was not any cell service available. I noticed an open door but I also saw POSTED NO TRESPASSING signs, so I didn't dare go in.
I checked out a restaurant right next door to the chinese restaurant.
Maybe someday I will eat there. They were offering fried smelt as the daily special.
I picked Linda up at the appointed time and we decided to have lunch at the MING MOON, the chinese restaurant. It was a good meal. Then I drove her back to SEARLES where she had left her car to have brake work done.
I had some extra time so I decided to drive down a road I had often noticed in Davenport Center. I saw this abandoned church
I drove down to the end of the road. I saw this interesting structure:
It appears that you can walk up the stairs on one side, across a long narrow platform at the top and then walk down the other side. Its hard to tell if it is on private property. Right close to it there is a building that looks like it could have been a railroad depot at one time. It had an old restored car (looked like a Chevy BelAir from the l950's) in a carport. The place was very obviously occupied complete with barking dogs, so I did not spend any time looking around. It would be a neat location for a geocache (ANOTHER MYSTERY STRUCTURE), but I think the few residents on this dead end road might get suspicious if they saw a lot of people around all of a sudden.
After that I headed into Oneonta and stopped a couple of places to pick up a few items I needed at home. It was a fun day.
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