When Terry and I decided to go to the church supper at Christ Church in Gilbertsville tonight, I suggested we go to Gilbertsville a couple of hours early and hide a geocache and go to some shops. Terry agreed to this plan very enthusiastically.
Sooooooooo, we met up in Morris at 3:30 and headed to Gilbertsville. This was Terry's first time stopping in Gilbertsville.
The first thing we did was locate the PRENTISS CEMETERY. This is by far the most interesting old cemetery I have been to. It has some HUGE old trees, a view of a creek and waterfalls, a wonderful old stone wall and lots of interesting gravestones. We walked around "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing and eventually found a good hiding spot for the geocache.
We then went to the quilt shop, general store, post office and hardware store. I think Terry was the most impressed with the quilt shop. The owner of the shop was working on a quilt, and she told us the story of it. A friend started it but died before she could finish it. So, she is finishing it up and will give it to her friends children when she completes it.
What a wonderful, loving gesture!!
We had some time to kill before the dinner, so I showed Terry THE OLD CHURCHYARD CEMETERY. We also saw this colorful side yard to a rather ordinary house: >
Carol met us at Christ Church and we had a great supper. Fruit cup, cabbage/rutabaga soup, chicken parmesan sandwich and cake for desert.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Another Gilbertsville Adventure
Monday, May 23, 2011
SOLO ADVENTURE: May 23, 2011
I had some legal papers to file at the County Clerk's Office today. I decided to add in some fun. On the way to Cooperstown, I stopped at the Blue Parking Lot and I found the geocache that I had hunted for twice before. I had a quick success and then went on to the Clerk's Office where I conducted my business.
Then I went to the Cooperstown Library to see the exhibit COOPERSTOWN MEMORIES. I was a bit disappointed, it was not what I was expecting. I checked out that exhibit as well as the ESSENTIAL ART exhibit. This guitar was my favorite piece.
I then drove to the hamlet of Schuyler Lake, at the bottom of Canaderago Lake. The former name of Canaderago Lake was Schuyler Lake.
I had lunch at this diner that I learned about on flickr.com.
I hid a geocache at the Schuyler Lake Cemetery. I drove around a bit and took a few pictures: an old abandoned school, the vacant (but not abandoned) Schuyler Lake Hotel, and a couple of churches including the one that burned recently.
On the way home, I stopped at the Fly Creek Cider Mill because a sample of cold cider sounded so good! I had that and a couple of other samples. I saw these ducks (or maybe they are geese)
and then headed back home.
It was a good day!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Another Stamford Adventure
We met up around ten a.m. and headed to Stamford where I dropped her off. I love the Village of Stamford and I had lots of ideas for things to do while she was with her mother. So, I dropped her off and headed into town.
First I went to the CYR CENTER, which is in the former REXMERE HOTEL. They have an art gallery on the first floor, with changing exhibits. The name of the gallery is MURAL. The exhibit they had today was very nice. This is the painting I liked best:

I like the gallery, but mostly I just like the idea of going into the old hotel. You can see some of the original items from years ago, such as the stained glass over the doorways, the huge lions by the back door, etc. Also, they have some artifacts from the REXMERE days in glass cases, and a visual history of the REXMERE.
I decided to visit the OLD STAMFORD CEMETERY across the road from the Rexmere. You have to walk down a path in the woods to get to it. I had been in the cemetery a few years ago to geocache, and wanted to see it again. I didn't walk into the cemetery because the thick ground cover was very wet. I stayed on the path and took a few pictures, here is one:
I located the area of the geocache. I was amazed to find a beautiful hiking trail right in the middle of town. I found the geocache easily enough. Along the portion of the trail I walked, there are portions of an old stone wall:
It was so strange to be hiking in the middle of the town. From the trail you can see houses and back yards.
I looked for the Chamber of Commerce Information Booth that I read about online, but I could not find it an I could not find Gabriella's Restaurant which is in the same area.
I parked in front of the old hotel (THE WESTHOLME) just up the street from the Chinese Restaurant and attempted to call the realtor hoping that maybe I could go inside, but there was not any cell service available. I noticed an open door but I also saw POSTED NO TRESPASSING signs, so I didn't dare go in.
I checked out a restaurant right next door to the chinese restaurant.
Maybe someday I will eat there. They were offering fried smelt as the daily special.
I picked Linda up at the appointed time and we decided to have lunch at the MING MOON, the chinese restaurant. It was a good meal. Then I drove her back to SEARLES where she had left her car to have brake work done.
I had some extra time so I decided to drive down a road I had often noticed in Davenport Center. I saw this abandoned church
I drove down to the end of the road. I saw this interesting structure:
It appears that you can walk up the stairs on one side, across a long narrow platform at the top and then walk down the other side. Its hard to tell if it is on private property. Right close to it there is a building that looks like it could have been a railroad depot at one time. It had an old restored car (looked like a Chevy BelAir from the l950's) in a carport. The place was very obviously occupied complete with barking dogs, so I did not spend any time looking around. It would be a neat location for a geocache (ANOTHER MYSTERY STRUCTURE), but I think the few residents on this dead end road might get suspicious if they saw a lot of people around all of a sudden.
After that I headed into Oneonta and stopped a couple of places to pick up a few items I needed at home. It was a fun day.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A six day CHRISTA Adventure!
It all started when my friend Carol and I picked Christa up at the airport on Wednesday morning May 11th. Her plane arrived about 11:30 a.m. (right on time) and our timing was perfect. We had only been in the luggage area a couple of minutes when she came down the escalator. This is Christa just after she retrieved her luggage.
Our first stop was at an OLIVE GARDEN for lunch. Christa informed Carol and I that we were a "waitresses nightmare", but really we weren't. We let Christa order for the three of us and we shared everything she ordered. It was a great meal. The deep fried lasagna was an exceptional treat.
We stopped in Oneonta to see her old friend, Storm, for a few minutes before heading back to my house. I think Christa slept most of that first day away.
Most of the adventures I had with Christa had to do with food and driving around so she could see things in Oneonta. She has only been gone for a year, but some things have changed. We ate at Brooks once, had Brooks take out once, had pizza and homemade potato chips at TINO's Pizzeria and had a roni roll at Sal's.
Also, I prepared some of her favorite foods (at her request): ham with raisin sauce, pineapple stuffing and macaroni and cheese.
I showed Christa the new Oneonta Mural, which was painted since she left for Oregon.
I drove her out to the old YMCA camp where she was a day camper before working there several summers. The door to the lodge was open because some workmen were there, so she went in and looked around. A couple of nights we watched LIFETIME movies together.
We made a spur of the moment decision on Sunday the 15th to drive to Lockport the next day to see my father who has recently been diagnosed with cancer. We left early on Monday the 16th. Christa slept most of the way there and I stopped a couple of places to take a few pictures. We had lunch at one of those thruway service centers. She had a sandwich and coffee from Dunkin Donuts and I had a steak sandwich from Roy Rogers.
We arrived in Lockport around 3:30 p.m. and I showed Christa some sites from my childhood such as my "other" grandparents house on Pound Street, and where her father and I had our wedding reception in 1970.
We got to Dad's place a few minutes before four p.m. A couple of hours later, we had a nice family get together that my sister, Peggy, pulled together on short notice. We had pizza and soda and visited and I took a lot of pictures. My brother Mike was there. My sister, Gail was there with all three of her sons, her daughter in law Susan and both of her grandchildren, Sara and Jacob. It was a great time!
Christa and I spent the night at my brother Mikes house. The next morning Mike, Christa and I met up with Dad and Peggy at Denny's for breakfast.
We left Lockport and headed home around 9:30 a.m. I took the thruway most of the way because Christa was anxious to get back in Oneonta for her few finals in town. While we were driving home, Christa told me that she thinks she is ready to move back to New York and that she will talk to her boss at the Portland restaurant she works in and see if she can transfer to the Romano's Macaroni Grill in Albany. This made me very happy and I hope it works out soon! We made a brief stop in Cooperstown to drive around and see the places she has worked and hung out in the past.
I dropped her off at Storm's house and we said our goodbyes. The plan was for her friend Molly to drive Christa and Storm to ALB for her early morning flight today (Wednesday the l8th).
She made it home safely and is now relaxing with her dog, Riley.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Greenway Trail Adventure
Connie and I met up in Oneonta this morning.
Rain was predicted, but we decided to take our chances.
First we went to the Oneonta Susquehanna Greenway Trail. We took our time and walked about half of it. I took several pictures including the one up above. The rain held off until after we left the trail.
Then we picked up lunch at Foti's. We split a sub and a giant brownie.
Then we went to the Swart-Wilcox House where they were holding a baked goods and flower sale.
Connie purchased some iris and some daffodils to plant in her yard.
We were taken on a tour of the OLDEST HOUSE IN ONEONTA. Here are a couple of pictures from the inside. They kept livestock in the basement.
We didn't feel like wrapping the day up, so we
went to the mall to walk and look around. We reminisied about the old days before malls existed.
I showed Connie this old bicycle in one of the shops.
I think the name of the store is COUNTRY JUNCTION. This bicycle looks a lot like I remember the bicycle I had when I was a kid.
It turned out to be a great day even though it rained in the afternoon.
Friday, May 13, 2011

While hiking the trails to the geocache, we saw many birds and heard some lovely
bird songs.
After that we went to look for BRIDGE OVER DUCKY WATERS. We had looked for this one before (I think I may have looked twice, but Leslie said she looked six times) without success. I was pretty sure we would not be successful this time, BUT I found
it within seconds. In fact, it took longer to replace the log into the tiny "nano" than it did to find the geocache!
We decided we had time for one more, so we drove up to the "middle reservoir" to find RESERVOIR DUCKIES, another one which we had looked for unsuccessfully in the past. We found it within a minute or two. Another nano! They are so tiny......its amazing that a log fits inside.
Finding FIVE geocaches in about 2.5 hours is kind of a record for me! It was a great day!
After that, I went home and picked Christa up and we went for a late lunch at BROOKS HOUSE OF BARBEQUE.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Bovina Center Adventure
We headed out to Delhi watching for cemeteries along the way because I had brought 4 geocaches along with me (for hiding). We saw a couple on 28 between Oneonta and Delhi, but decided to stop on the way back. We headed over to Bovina Center and arrived there around 11:20 a.m. We located part one of BOVINA'S BRAVEST, a two part cache. Muggles nearby prevented us from looking for part two right away. We saw the Brush Cemetery across the street

We located RUSSELL'S STORE (circa 1823). Here is a very old picture of it.

I was given permission to take pictures, and we talked with a couple of women there. One of them offered to open up the Bovina Museum so that we could go in. We took her up on the offer and I drove the three of us around town a bit while she showed us some historical buildings. She opened the museum up and we spent about twenty minutes looking around. I was able to see some information about the Brush's buried in the Brush Cemetery. After that, Jan offered to take us over to the old schoolhouse, five miles out of town. On the way, she pointed out various historical buildings, including one that Jim Denver (Gilligan) owned and lived in in either the 60's or 70's. The schoolhouse was locked, but we peaked in the building and the old desks are still in place!
Back in Bovina Center, Leslie and I had lunch at Russell's. I had a chedder cheese, bacon, tomato and avocodo grilled sandwich. Leslie had a turkey sandwich. I bought a couple of postcards. Then we went back to the Fire Hall and found part two of BOVINA'S BRAVEST. The man cutting the lawn next door seemed to know exactly what we were doing!
After that we headed out of town, pausing to take pictures of some of the places Jan showed us. While we were peeking in the windows of Hilson's Store,

a woman came over and offered to open it up so we could go in. It turns out her great great grandfather started the original store. It stayed in the family until her brother worked there, but it closed down, I think she said in the l960's. The original
shelving and some other items are still there, but many items have been sold. The store, eight acres and the house next door are on the market for $280,000. I hope someone buys the place and restores it.
By the time we finished up in Hilson's, it was after two p.m. and we decided to call it a day. We didn't have time to hide any of my geocaches. We arrived back in Oneonta a little bit after three p.m.
It was a wonderful day! I hope to return to Bovina Center soon.