Today, on my way back home from Lockport, I did a little bit of exploring. First I had lunch in Morrisville at the PURPLE SALAMANDER.

The soup and salad bar sounded good to me, since it would mean not waiting for an order to be prepared. It was pretty good, except the chili is not nearly as tasty as the chili I make at home. I was heading out of Morrisville when I noticed a sign with an Amish buggy and horse, so I decided to spend a few minutes going down that road, hoping to maybe find some Amish farms. I did not see any, but all of a sudden I found myself in the hamlet of Solsville, and there was the Solsville Hotel,

which I had looked for before without success. It is a refurbished 1800's hotel. Unfortunately, I had already had lunch, but sometime I would like to have lunch there.
I headed back to Morrisville and Route 20. The next village I went through was Bouckville. I stopped to see if the tiny museum was open, but it wasn't. I continued on Route 20. When I got to Route 12, the sign pointed to Sherburne, so I took it. I figured it was my regular route to Sherburne from Route 20, but it wasn't, which explained why all of a sudden I saw signs for North Brookfield and also a sign for Kling's General Store and Diner. I decided to check out the general store.

It is really a neat place. The clerk told me that it has been opened since l869. It is at the end of a long building, and at the opposite end there is a ghostly sign that says North Brookfield Mills or something like that. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to put a memory card in my camera, so I could only take a few pictures today. Anyways, I looked around and purchased a small snack item. I hope to return someday.
I got back on 12 heading South towards Sherburne and all of a sudden, I saw a sign for Hubbardsville. Somewhere on the www, a long time ago, I read something about an interesting store in Hubbardsville, so I decided to turn and drive around a bit. Hubbardsville is another very small, kind of dumpy hamlet. I did find a store, but it appears to be more of a convenience store, I think the name of it is Hubbardsville Mall. I was unable to take any more pictures.
I would like to return to that area and explore North Brookfield on both sides of Route 12, and look around Hubbardsville more. There is a geocache hidden in a bell in Hubbardsville, which I would like to find.
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