However, when I met up with Terry in Oneonta, she said she would like to go to Worcester instead. She wanted to have lunch at Ardy's. I told her I was pretty sure Ardy's would be closed since the owners go to Florida for the winter, but we decided to go anyways and have lunch at THE WORCESTER INN (also known as THE WHITE HOUSE INN).

Our lunch was great, soup and sandwich(I had cabbage/keilbasa soup) and pumpkin pie for desert and the final bill was less than twelve dollars for the two of us.
Terry suggested that we do some geocaching, but since I had planned on going to Cooperstown, I didn't have any Worcester geocaching info. with me.
After lunch we went inside the old mom and pop type store just down the street. Here is a picture of it.

Terry has shopped here before, since she used to live in Westford, and she said the shelves used to have a lot more items on them. This small store really has that old time feel to it.
Then we crossed over to the Worcester Historical Society. It was closed, but there were phone numbers posted on the door and Terry called one of them and a woman agreed to come over and open it up for us. We walked around Main Street a bit while we waited, stopping in CASH OIL to pick up a couple of calendars. We also drove down County Road 39 towards South Worcester, but we did not have time to go all the way, since we needed to be back at the museum at 12:30. County Road 39 is a very well maintained (smooth) dirt road.
The museum was great! We spent about a half hour there, looking at all the displays. Our "guide" told me that if we continue a bit further on Route 39, we will come to an old school house owned by the historical society. I particularly liked the old signs from former businesses and the old safe from the old post office. Here are pictures:

A picture of the old fire hall (seen in the museum) led us to go find the old building which was very close by. Here are those pictures.

It was a great afternoon. I am not sure why it tired me out so, but I skipped picking up groceries when we got back to Oneonta.