Yesterday I had my hair done and my hairdresser Linda and I decided to meet in Stamford, New York for lunch today. Its a pretty long drive (probably 40 miles for me) so I decided to combine a visit to an art gallery in an old hotel and some general exploring with our lunch date.
I headed out around ten a.m. and did a couple of short errands and then headed out Route 23. I stopped to take a couple of snapshots of the diner in Davenport Center for my DINERS, DRIVE-INS and DIVES group on flickr and then continued on 23. I stopped in Harpersfield to take a couple of pictures and then headed on to Stamford. My Harpersfield pictures can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/juneny/sets/72157623529703619/
I found the CYR CENTER easily enough........in its former life it was the REXMERE HOTEL, which opened in l898 and closed in l955 or so. I had seen the building from the outside before, but never been in it. The art gallery gave me a perfect reason to go inside. I glanced at the art gallery and then explored the first floor. I asked permission to go upstairs, but that was denied. No matter, I could get a good feel for how the Rexmere must have looked from the stained glass over the doorways, the fireplace, the bathrooms and stairways. I took a lot of pictures, both inside and out. They can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/juneny/sets/72157623529683533/
After that I spent some time driving around, and I saw a couple of huge old buildings that must have been hotels years ago, or perhaps they were rooming houses. The second picture down is of the huge old building that is just above and down the street from the Ming Moon. I also checked out the Delaware Inn, which is being renovated. I had seen it a couple of years ago while on my way to West Point with my sister and my Dad.
I met up with Linda a couple of minutes after one p.m. and we had a great lunch at the Ming Moon. The place does not have much atmosphere, but the prices, food and service are very good.
After Linda and I parted, I headed towards home. I stopped near Fergusonville to find a geocache that had previously eluded me, and to take a picture of Buttermilk Falls (thats the picture at the top).
Hey there :-) Found your post on a google search for something else. I can help ya out a little with the Rexmere Lodge pics on your Flickr page. The Rexmere Lodge was a hotel and restaurant several years ago. They tore it down however and now the Rite-Aid that sits near the Stewarts gas station at the intersection of 10 and 23 occupies the spot. I work at the Cyr Center as well. It is a super building. I too think about what it was like in there all those years ago when it was a hotel. Nice blog!