It has been a quiet week, but much warmer than last week so I got out a bit more. I did a few things, went to the Tuesday morning life group, went to Cayuga Day Hab and had lunch with Carrie on Wednesday. to celebrate her birthday, chose a new pair of glasses at Davison Road Optical, had Peggy over for supper on Thursday, and had lunch with Pam on Friday.
Today, I stayed home and prepared a huge batch of baked beans for tomorrows meal at church and cleaned.
I met up with Peg at her house at four p.m. and we headed towards Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada for the Winter Festival of Lights. Once we got to the falls, we decided to have supper first. We could not find JADE GARDEN, a Chinese buffet that Peggy had been to before, but we did notice a restaurant named AlMacs Buffet and went in to check it out. We decided eat there even though the price of
seventeen dollars per person seemed a bit high. At least we did not have to pay for parking! Our meal was very good. (and it turned out to be less expensive when we paid in American money.)
Then we headed towards Dufferin Island where the bulk of the Festival of Lights was. We really enjoyed it. Here are a few of my pictures.
When we thought we had seem most of it we headed back into the USA. We made one stop, at a Burger King, in order to use the restroom. After I got my car, which I had left at Peggys house, I went to WalMart and got a few groceries. Tomorrow is the "dish to pass" meal after church.