Wednesday, February 22, 2017

DAY TEN: Last Day in Israel THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16th, 2017

First thing, we put our suitcases outside our rooms so they could be picked up. After our usual breakfast buffet (very good!!!) we identified them and they were put on the bus.  There was a bit of a time consuming glitch because  some of the suitcases (including my carry on) were put into the bottom of the bus before identification.  So, many suitcases had to be pulled out so we could make sure they were really ON the bus.

We headed out and our first stop was the REHAVAM OBSERVATION POINT.

And then  got back on the bus and headed to the Garden of Gethsemane.  The views from the bus were colorful and interesting. 
We saw this church 
but did not go in.  I believe it houses the ROCK OF AGONY.

A monk (I think Benedictine) let us into one of the areas of the Garden of Gethsemane. 
Pastor Mike Chorey held a brief service and we had an opportunity to walk around a bit.

Right across from the garden area we saw some interesting big trees.
Our next stop was THE EMPTY TOMB (an approximate location since there are other possible locations.

I thought maybe this round rock was a replica of the rock that was placed in front of the tomb and was "rolled away"/  There is a small chapel there, and we had a brief service and took communion.  

We got back on the bux and went to the FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MUSEUM, which is really not a museum but an interactive high technology honoring of certain people.  

We were surprised when the founder of the museum Mike Evans appeared.

Then it was another bus ride to THE CHURCH OF ST. PETER IN GALLICANTU
Built on an almost sheer hillside, the Church of St Peter in Gallicantu stands on the eastern slope of Mount Zion.It seemed like a long walk down to the pit. 

Beside the Church of St Peter in Gallicantu, excavations have brought to light a stepped street which in ancient times would have descended from Mount Zion to the Kidron Valley.

After that we headed back to our hotel to freshen up for our farewell diner. There were two reserved rooms, one for men and one for women, but some of us freshened up in the lower level restrooms.  I took a brief nap in the lobby and then 
we walked down to the OLIVE AND FISH and had a great meal!  

We were all given certificates
We walked back to our bus at the hotel and headed to the airport.

My complete set of pictures can be seen here:

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