Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Niagara Falls New York Adventure with Carol

Today is Carol's birthday.  When we lived close to each other, we often celebrated our June birthdays together by going out to lunch.  We did not do that last year and I think we missed the year before because I was busy packing and moving in June, BUT THIS YEAR we did it up big!!!!

We planned for her to come to Lockport for a visit in June so we could celebrate our birthdays just happened to work out that that her trip to Lockport took place on her birthday.....June 29th.    She had not seen Niagara Falls in many years, so we planned a trip for today........and it helped that the weather was absolutely gorgeous.

We headed out early this morning for Niagara Falls, New York.  My TomTom did not seem to be cooperating so we headed out on 31 heading west until we saw signs for the falls and we followed the signs, which took us to Parking Lot 1, where we parked.

We decided to take the trolley around since it only cost $3.00.
Our first stop was at the lookout for the
Horseshoe Falls.  We spent quite a bit of time  there,  Carol was oohing and ahhing much of the time.
She had not been to the falls in a very long time

A group of twenty somethings were posing for and taking pictures like this one:
but then the NYS Police showed up 
Probably ruined their day.  

Then the trolley took us to the entrance to THREE SISTERS ISLAND.  
This is a very beautiful area, the islands are connected by pedestrian bridges.  
and the scenery is lovely!

Then we took the shuttle to a new attraction that just opened.  An old elevator that goes down to the gorge has been renovated and is now in use.  And after that we went to the casino for a buffet lunch!  My complete set of pictures can be seen here

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