To celebrate my birthday, I asked my friend Terry to join me for an "adventure." We met up this morning in Morris and headed out towards Brookfield, New York. I had been there last fall with Carol and wanted to return. Sooooooooooooooo, off Terry and I headed towards Brookfield.
On the way I noticed an abandoned shop on Route 8. I stopped to check it out and take a few pictures. Part of one of the outside walls was missing, so I was able to step inside to take pictures. I didn't go any further than that.
Once in Brookfield, our first stop was the General Store. I LOVED the glass candy case, it was just like he one in the little store on Prospect Street that I frequented when I was a kid. I think the name of it was Kramers when I was a teenager, but it probably had other names before and after that. Picture of the glass case in the Brookfield General Store is up above.
After that we did some geocaching. Unfortunately, we were unable to find the three geocaches in Brookfield that we looked for. One is in an old snow plow parked at the Highway Department, Carol and I looked for it last fall with no luck and Terry had the same level of success today. The other two were on horse trails. I think one of them has been "muggled", and the other one was just too hard to find since
my GPS was going crazy with all that tree cover.
After geocaching, we went to the Historical Society. I had called a few days earlier to make sure they would be open. We were there a few minutes early, and two ladies stopped when they saw us waiting, and one of them went and got a key to let us in. The exhibits are great. I especially liked the really old tin in the picture up above. We really enjoyed the little museum, but I think we liked the GILES SCHOOLHOUSE, which is located next door to the museum. It was moved from Giles Road a few years ago, and has been restored and furnished with old desks and school supplies. It was really neat! I took tons of pictures of the schoolhouse and stuff in the museum, as well as of some interesting nearby buildings.
By the time we left the museum and schoolhouse, we were getting hungry. We decided to check out a restaurant in North Brookfield, but it turned out to be more of a bar, and while they could offer us burgers and a couple of other items, we decided going back to Brookfield to the Beavers Den Diner might be in our best interest. We were not at all disappointed.
Terry treated me to lunch and desert. We had cheese steak sandwiches and pie with ice cream for desert. It was all delicious! The prices are great and they have a huge variety for such a small diner in such a small village.
After lunch we started to head home. We stopped on Route 8 twice. First to look at the Columbus Quarter Schoolhouse and then to take a picture of the old empty diner. Terry remembers it from going there with her parents when she was growing up. It is for sale now. We think it used to have the word "deer" in its name before it closed.
We stopped in New Berlin to say hello to Terry's daughter Rhonda. I met her grandson, Isaac, he is so cute! he just turned two years old.
I dropped Terry off at her car and headed home. It was a great way to spend my birthday. I hope to return to Brookfield and eat at the diner again sometime. I might even go to the Madison County Fair this year. A geocacher told me that it is kind of like an old time fair......so I should check it out!
My seventy some pictures from this great day are on flickr and can be viewed here:
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